When I am in need of guidance I listen for God to give me an answer. I think I felt this most strongly when we were wondering if we should consider adopting our third child. We had two wonderful children and I hadn't planned on having anymore. Through fasting and reading the Bible God gave me two scriptures confirming that we should adopt. Then after we met our youngest, our oldest said, "I love Youngest (of course he used his real name); I want Youngest to come live with us. I want Youngest to be my brother!" We had not discussed the adoption with our oldest and I know God was using his words to further confirm that we were doing His will by agreeing to adopt Youngest.
When I don't have a pressing question, however, I find it hard to diligently listen for God's words. While God speaks to us in many ways, I believe the primary way is through the Bible. And yet when someone posts a Bible verse on Facebook or in a blog, I often skip over it. I read what the person wrote, and then essentially, I skip over God's words thinking "yada, yada, yada." Why do I do this? One reason is that I think, "Oh, I already know that verse." Or I'll think, "This isn't my devotion time. I'll read the Bible later." Or, "I don't have time to read all this right now, so I'll just read that which I'm primarily interested."
Lately, however, I have been convicted by this. God, who made the vast universe, who made each unique person, who sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for payment for our sins, who loves each of us infinitely more than I will ever understand; THAT God wrote each of us a letter about His love and about His plan for us. That is AMAZING when you really think about it!
God's timing is perfect and mine is definitely not. So maybe I should read His words when they are laid out in front of me. Maybe it is just what God knows I need to hear right then. Althought He's always here, sometimes God can feel far away. But if I took the time to allow His words to be more a part of my life, I know I would have a richer relationship with Him.
God's timing is perfect and mine is definitely not. So maybe I should read His words when they are laid out in front of me. Maybe it is just what God knows I need to hear right then. Althought He's always here, sometimes God can feel far away. But if I took the time to allow His words to be more a part of my life, I know I would have a richer relationship with Him.
Maybe this behavior is not common among you. But if it is, I would encourage you to have a renewed respect and desire for the words of God. He may just tell you something that will change your perspective, your day...or even your life!
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
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