So who was to blame? I wrote last time how Jesus had cleansed me with His blood. Did he miss a spot? Of course not. It was me. I am the one who after laying down my will at Jesus' feet, went and grabbed it back with the passion of a possessive two-year-old. So after some very hard days, I sat in church this morning feeling defeated. I felt the chains of my sinful selfishness coiled tightly around my body making it difficult to breathe. Where was that hope and joy I had professed just a week ago?
Suddenly the band's worship song lyrics penetrated deep into my heart:
There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain
Break every chain
Break every chain
I had failed, but Jesus remains strong and powerful. The song continued:
All sufficient sacrifice
So freely given
Such a price
Bought our redemption
Heaven's gates swing wide
It doesn't matter that I acted unworthy. Jesus is the "all sufficient sacrifice" and the gift of forgiveness and salvation is "freely given". I went from reading the words to belting them out with all that was within me (for those of you who know me, you know that must have been unpleasant for those around me). I felt the chains of sin fall away. I felt the hope and joy return. I felt God's loving embrace and forgiveness. It felt so good!
So as Easter approaches I am even more aware and thankful for the redemption purchased by Jesus' death on the cross. And I know that even when I fail, it is by the power that raised Jesus from the dead that I will be rescued and continually transformed. I pray that you will allow Jesus to break any chains that bind you and that you will experience FREEDOM!
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.
Psalm 107:13-14
song by Jesus Culture
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